Monday, April 7, 2014

Nineteen pounds, let's do this!

I'm very goal-driven.  Nothing can stop me, except a sick child. Not being able to take Eva to the childcare at the gym last week caused me to miss 3 workouts - a minor set-back. 

A little background on my pre-pregnancy (and usual) weight:  I was super-fit and had been for several years.  At 5'11, I was/am usually long and lean, weighing 161-165 and wore a size 8.  I love(d) to workout.  Then I got pregnant and truth be told: I didn't break a sweat for the entire 9 months, for both pregnancies.  

After my oldest daughter Eva was born, and I lost all the water weight, the scale read 190 at my 6 week postpartum appointment.  Sheer panic.  Nothing in my closet fit and I had never been overweight.  I realized that I was wearing all those craving-induced ice cream calories on my hips. I immediately researched and found a local boot camp/tabata style workout class. Off I went, with Eva in-tow. After attending 3 times/week and eating clean, the weight came off.  I was back down to my pre-pregnancy (and wedding) weight of 161.  My friends joked that I popped the baby out and went back down to my usual size, before I left the hospital.  I wish.

I'm here to tell you, that even though I'm usually fit and slim, I have weight issues.  I have problem areas (hello, hips) and I'm 37 years old, 38 in June.  I'm no spring chicken and I l-o-v-e to cook and eat.  Being fit is fun, but it is work.  Even for me.

Fast-forward 3 years to this past pregnancy with Amelia.  I didn't invest in Blue Bell every night like I had done before, but I was still sitting at that same 190 mark at my 6 week postpartum visit.  I couldn't believe it.  I had made better food choices, yet there I was in disbelief.  Sheer panic.  Again.  Unable to wear anything in my closet and unable to sign up for the same workout class (time constraints - it's over 25 minutes away), I immediately added Amelia to our local gym membership and started the HIIT classes right away.

Bam. 8 pounds lost.  Fast.  

Then Eva got sick.  And I made some bad food decisions.  

Five days passed.  Last week has come and gone and I'm still sitting at the -8 mark.

Here I am, trying to figure out where to go from here.  Amelia is almost 3 months old, and I keep reminding myself that by the time Eva was the same age, I had lost all my pregnancy weight.  Sigh.  Friends keep telling me to quit beating myself up, but I so want to fit into *those* skinny jeans.  And wear a bikini and shorts with confidence now that summer is here in South Texas.

Today, I did what I do well - made a goal sheet with rewards.  I don't reward myself with food-related cheat days.  It's too easy for me to fall off that bandwagon.  Instead, I reward myself with (materialistic) things.  If I'm being honest, I'll tell you that new, pretty things motivate me in crazy ways.  

My current weight is 184.  I can't even believe that I typed that. My goal weight is 165. Pictured above are all the rewards for milestone weight goals in-between.  Once I'm down to 180 pounds, I'll treat myself to a manicure and pedicure in a springy hue.  At 172, my tush will be treated to fun pom-pom shorts.  Once I hit my goal weight of 165, this Momma is getting a new fun bag.  Ready, set, go.  I'm off to they gym!

I'd love to know...

What drives you?  What gets you to the gym?

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